Free Code Scanner is a versatile scanner for QRcode / Barcode decoding, it is a superb barcode and QRcode reader app for any Android device. Totally free, now you can enjoy scanning QRcodes from websites, business cards, promotion coupons etc.
Keeping in mind with your privacy and security, Code Scanner only needs permission to access your device camera, it is fully compatible with Android 4.x or above.
With a user-friendly design and ease of operation, Code Scanner is capable of decoding QRcode and Bar Code on many types, such as ISBN, EAN, UPC, Data Matrix etc.
Your search for professional level Code Scanner ends here, not only it is safe but it is absolutely free.
Key Feature:
-- Lightning Fast decoding rate.
Just focus with your camera on the Code to be scanned, rest Code Scanner will take care of in a blink.
-- Take action.
Code Scanner opens a whole world of decoding for you, so now you can scan product info, scan business cards for info or even connect with wifi without typing password. All at your fingertips.
-- History
Code Scanner saves your previous scanned QRcode or barcode for future references.
-- Zoom
Code Scanner gives you the flexibility to Zoom in or Zoom out to correctly focus on the QRcode or Barcode, ensuring that you get it right every time irrespective of the size of the code.
Code scanner is specially design and optimized for Android smartphone and Android tablet for free.
Gratis Kode Scanner adalah scanner serbaguna untuk QRCode / Barcode decoding, itu adalah barcode yang luar biasa dan QRCode reader aplikasi untuk perangkat Android. Benar-benar gratis, sekarang Anda dapat menikmati QRcodes scanning dari website, kartu nama, kupon promosi dll
Menjaga dalam pikiran dengan privasi dan keamanan, Kode Scanner hanya perlu izin untuk mengakses kamera perangkat Anda, itu adalah sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan Android 4.x atau di atas.
Dengan desain yang user-friendly dan kemudahan operasi, Kode Scanner ini mampu decoding QRCode dan Bar Code pada banyak jenis, seperti ISBN, EAN, UPC, Data Matrix dll
pencarian Anda untuk profesional Scanner tingkat Kode berakhir di sini, tidak hanya aman tapi benar-benar gratis.
Fitur Utama:
- Cepat Lightning tingkat decoding.
Hanya fokus dengan kamera Anda pada Kode yang akan dipindai, beristirahat Kode Scanner akan mengurus dalam sekejap.
-- Mengambil tindakan.
Kode Scanner membuka seluruh dunia decoding untuk Anda, jadi sekarang Anda dapat memindai info produk, kartu nama memindai untuk info atau bahkan terhubung dengan wifi tanpa mengetik password. Semua di ujung jari Anda.
- Sejarah
Kode Scanner menghemat QRCode dipindai sebelumnya atau barcode untuk referensi di masa depan.
- Zoom
Kode Scanner memberi Anda fleksibilitas untuk Perbesar atau Perkecil untuk benar fokus pada QRCode atau Barcode, memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan yang benar setiap kali terlepas dari ukuran kode.
Kode scanner adalah khusus desain dan dioptimalkan untuk smartphone Android dan tablet Android secara gratis.
Free Code Scanner is a versatile scanner for QRcode / Barcode decoding, it is a superb barcode and QRcode reader app for any Android device. Totally free, now you can enjoy scanning QRcodes from websites, business cards, promotion coupons etc.
Keeping in mind with your privacy and security, Code Scanner only needs permission to access your device camera, it is fully compatible with Android 4.x or above.
With a user-friendly design and ease of operation, Code Scanner is capable of decoding QRcode and Bar Code on many types, such as ISBN, EAN, UPC, Data Matrix etc.
Your search for professional level Code Scanner ends here, not only it is safe but it is absolutely free.
Key Feature:
-- Lightning Fast decoding rate.
Just focus with your camera on the Code to be scanned, rest Code Scanner will take care of in a blink.
-- Take action.
Code Scanner opens a whole world of decoding for you, so now you can scan product info, scan business cards for info or even connect with wifi without typing password. All at your fingertips.
-- History
Code Scanner saves your previous scanned QRcode or barcode for future references.
-- Zoom
Code Scanner gives you the flexibility to Zoom in or Zoom out to correctly focus on the QRcode or Barcode, ensuring that you get it right every time irrespective of the size of the code.
Code scanner is specially design and optimized for Android smartphone and Android tablet for free.